The good-looking body is healthy (in most cases).
The healthy body looks gooood (always!).
Cleansing your body by proper diet regimes is beneficial for keeping your organism blooming.
Detox/cleansing regimes are excellent for everyone who would like to lose some weight.
FORGET about the FAD diets.
Such diets are popular for a time, similar to fads in fashion. Fad diets usually promise rapid weight loss with little effort, the so tempting “quick fix”. In most cases, these diets are characterized by extremely restrictive or uncommon food selections, which might cause serious health issues.
MOTIVATION to do DETOX (weight loss eating)
If the reasoning here haven’t motivated you yet, here is something else to consider –when you cleansе your body by following detox diet you lose weight, especially fat. So, you have double benefits – better health and slimmer body.
I’m aware that the above sounds too good to be true – weight loss diet which is actually healthy?!
To keep your body healthy while losing extra pounds is an excellent motivation to follow the weight loss tips from our 6-Day Weight loss + Detox Program . If you are overweight and you want to use the best way to lose weight – what can be possibly better than this – to do something really good for your organism while losing some kilograms? You will not get a flat stomach in just 6 days, but you will surely feel and be much lighter and energetic than you were before you started this easy weight loss diet.
It is just in the human nature to be more motivated from the obvious results (slimmer body) than in not so visible ones (healthy benefits). Not to mention the fact that you can get slimmer body in just a few weeks. While, to see the actual health benefits from changing your diet for good, well, it will take some more time. Obviously, to choose a healthy weight loss method and make it a part of your daily routine is the best you can do for your both figure and health.
Another benefits of this 6-Day Weight loss + Detox Program is scored for your mental peace. Once you’ve cleansed your system of caffeine, refined sugar, processed fats and different junk food for 6 days, flush and nurture your body with the best ‘live’ fruit and vegetables – you will feel more balanced, less nervous. You become more centered and balanced, begin to think clearer, and you feel lighter – in your body and thoughts.
As a wonderful consequence your system becomes more ‘alkaline’.
Generally, to ensure a balanced diet of your body, it is recommended to be composed of approximately 60-80% alkaline and 20-40% acidic foods.
The alkaline diet consists mainly of vegetables and fruits – it is mostly vegetarian.
Meat, eggs, alcohol, coffee, fried foods (and other processed foods), sugar and soda belong to the group of acidic foods. In case they are present in your menu often, you can include more salads and vegetables to maintain the balance in your body.
When you begin eating more alkaline foods, naturally cravings for junk are reduced. There are scientific explanations about the mechanism how eating junk, leads to need of eating more junk. And vice versa – once you begin to feel lightweight, mentally and physically, your organism naturally rejects junk food and all other body pollutants – such as cigarettes. Example: you eat a chocolate, then you need to have a coffee and may be light a cigarette. But when you eat an apple, there is no way to smoke right after eating the apple.
I recommend you to do the 6-Day Weight loss + Detox Program at least twice a year. And your meals to be of at least 50% raw and vegetable.
Еasy weight loss plan or 6-Day Weight loss + Detox Program
1. Be Prepared
Empty your fridge and shelves from chocolates, fat meals, and anything else that may be tempting you! It is much easier to follow a diet, when there is nothing around you that belongs to the “forbidden list”.
On the other hand, purchase all the products from the new diet. You do not want to be starving.
2. Motivation!
You need to be determined to go to the end. Make notes and promises, or whatever works for you. Motivate yourself!
3. Don’t be too social during the diet
Do not be tempted to go outside with friends. Especially, if your social activities include drinking and eating. Stay home during these 6 days of healthy weight loss-detox diet. Especially, when you do the diet for the first time. When you get used to the diet and healthy meals, it would be much more easy to leave a “normal” life while following your regime.
5. Sleep and rest!
The good rest is a must. Be kind towards yourself. Do whatever your body is asking to. Listen to your body’s needs. Do not go against it. Good exercise is still important but if you do not feel like exercising during these 6 days, don’t. You are already doing a lot by being on the diet.
What are the ingredients for this easy weight loss diet? How will 6-Day Weight loss + Detox Program help me detox?