The doshas express unique blends of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. There are three mind-body types (called doshas). Knowing your dosha will explain you things like “why my legs are always cold?”, “why I am prone to excess weight?”, “why my skin is pale?”. Knowing your dosha is the key to follow the Ayurvedic tips for your dosha type in regards to what kind of food you should avoid and what food is good for you. You will be amazed how accurate it is once you start avoiding some food and mind your environmental conditions and habits. Following Ayurvedic tips is for eating according to your dosha type is also a guarantee for losing your excess body weight.
Discover your DOSHA and create a lifestyle that supports your UNIQUE nature! What is your dosha type?
Click here to get the most complete and accurate quiz to determine correctly your dominant dosha.
Achieve and maintain a vibrant and joyful state of health by following simple Ayurvedic tips.
What is Ayurveda
The mystical and exotic Indian system of healthy, happy and long-lived life – Ayurveda is gaining more and more popularity in the Western world. Barely there is anyone who hasn’t heard about Ayurveda. So, what is it exactly?
Ayurveda translates as the science for life (Ayur= Life, Veda = Science or Knowledge). In Ayurveda, health is defined as the dynamic state of balance between mind, body, and environment.
Basically, it is a system for health care but not only. The principles of Ayurveda are aimed at preserving life by healthy habits and therapy not only of the body but also of the psyche, relationships and spirit. Unquestionable, the most popular side of this science in the Western world is the Ayurvedic cooking (incredibly delicious), but there are also many other different health therapies. Many people turn to Ayurveda to support general health, and others to treat illness disorders. As this is the oldest holistic health science, it provides huge amount of information and wisdom. Unknowable and distant for most of us, Ayurveda is likely to cause initial confusion among those who hear for it for the first time.
If you are interested to dive into the depths of Eastern philosophy for health and inner peace, please continue reading. I promise to make it more understandable and familiar to you.
Ayurveda is a promise for a healthy long life which is the desire of every human being. This knowledge, passed down from generation to generation, is given by the Universal consciousness via mystical ways thousands of years ago. Ayurveda is a comprehensive system that is designed to help people achieve their dreamed longevity and life in health and happiness. It is believed that the great value underlying the pursuit of prolonging life is the human being to be able to achieve all the purposes they have set.
According to the Hindu philosophy, when we were born basic natural tendencies are imprinted to our mind-body set which also determine our outlook and behaviour throughout our life. By knowing these innate tendencies, we can enjoy life in the best way since we understand our personal inner settings. You know from experience that people are different. We all have very different filters to perceive the world. That is why the definition of happiness is something personal and different for every individual.
According to the Eastern philosophy of life, the Universe and everything visible around us is made up of the 5 elements which eternally exist (Panchamahabuta).
They are described as:
Ether (Akash) – a free, empty space;
Air (Vayu) – relates to the characteristics of movement and activity;
Fire (Tejas) – its main characteristic is the transformation from one form to another;
Water (Jala) – defines qualities such as connectivity, humidity, liquid nature, penetration and softness;
Earth (Prithvi) – its leading qualities are solidity, density and form formation.
Please do not think of these five elements as the single words describing the specific meaning, but as wide characteristics of all that comprises the visible world.
Now, according to Ayurveda, once these five elements are combined to form the human body, they are transformed into 3 types of energy.
Vata (Ether and Air) – dry, cold, light and dynamic energy, responsible for all motor activities performed in the body.
Pitta (Fire and Water) – warm and passive energy, responsible for the processes of transformation in the individual organs and tissues.
Kapha (Water and Earth) – damp, cold, totally passive energy, related to the density and formation of tissues and organs in the body.
According to Ayurveda every human being carries these three energies, representing the five eternal elements. These can be manifested to varying degrees. It is possible that one or two of the three energies are more prominent. This “energy proportion” stays for the whole life of man. It determines the differences in the shape of the body, the skin type, the specificity and color of the eyes and hair, the physiological processes, the emotional state and even may be a prerequisite for the development of certain disease conditions.
Ayurveda explains all aspects of health as well as the causes of disease, using the teachings of the five eternal elements and the three doshi.
Knowing your predominant dosha is very useful if you are interested in knowing yourself better – so that you can maintain your physical, mental and emotional balance.
Take the most complete and accurate quiz to determine correctly your dominant dosha.
Achieve and maintain a vibrant and joyful state of health by following simple Ayurvedic tips.