Vemo Family wants to involve organisations from the healthy lifestyle and wellness sectors, such as healthcare workers, nutritionists, fitness professionals, personal trainers, physical therapists or other medical professionals, and others which are focusing on and promoting a healthy lifestyle and life full of energy. Both individuals and organisations can apply.
We offer you a popular platform to share your discoveries, studies and insights in the field of sports, nutrition and supplements.
No censorship! No discrimination!
If you have something to share and need immense publicity, write to us!
By sending a proposal to us you agree with our Privacy Policy.
For us, it is essential that our partners recognise our cause, mission and values as their own. To be a reliable source of knowledge and inspiration and to form proper habits and behaviour is our primary mission. In this regard, we expect from our partners the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle to be embedded in their visions.

Everything is more effective and sustainable when based on a partnership. If you are an organization with similar activities, mission and goals, contact us to discuss how we can collaborate.