GET the recipe for SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE healthy juice to eliminate the CELLULITE from within
Do you know how and why the cellulite is formed?
Beneath the skin, there is a layer called subcutaneous. It is made up of fats and connective tissues. Its purpose is to bind the skin to the bones and it also acts as an insulator to regulate the body temperature. The subcutaneous tissue is thinner in women than in men and as women age, it becomes even thinner. That is why when the fat cells become larger, they can move closer to the skin’s surface and show themselves in the bumpy form. The fat cells which manage to move through the connective tissue, and show themselves under the skin, are what we call cellulite.
Generally, the cellulite skin is not good looking. Firstly, it doesn’t look healthy – the skin is pale. Secondly – it is not appealing as skin’s texture is “orange-peel” while we can all agree the good-looking skin is smooth. Moreover, the skin with a dimpled, lumpy appearance is a symptom for unproper lifestyle. A poor diet and lack of exercise help worsen this condition, as the liver and lymphatic system get overloaded with toxins.
This does not mean nothing can be done!
GET the recipe for SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE healthy juice to eliminate the CELLULITE from within
What’s in the Anticellulite Juice?
Vitamins, amino acids, natural sugars, antioxidants, minerals and microelements.
How is it going to help me get rid of my cellulite?
The apple helps your body detoxify the fat tissue. The grapefruit has a high vitamin C content and is an excellent cleanser for the lymphatic system. The other fruits in the juice improve the kidney function and help cleanse the subcutaneous tissue.
There are many methods to remove the cellulite:
Diet & Exercise – if you have excess weight, you should eat less. It is always good to add more cardio and strength training exercises. Focus on your legs, hips, and backside.
Massage – fast hand massage movements combined with proper oils, containing ingredients to promote fat breakdown (caffeine, vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts). Or by using special massaging equipment.
Cryolipolysis – freezes and kills the fat cells. Then your body gets rid of them
Laser Treatments – combines radiofrequency, massages, liposuctions and light therapy.
There are some more invisible procedures which I prefer not to mention here. I would also suggest to carefully consider before using chemical injections.
No matter which of the methods above you choose, having a glass of fresh juice formulated specifically to fight cellulite formation, will be greatly beneficial.
GET the recipe for SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE healthy juice to eliminate the CELLULITE from within
If you have too much cellulite, analyse yourself and your lifestyle for the presence of the following factors:
- You don’t drink enough water (Dehydration)
- You are not physically active (Lack of physical activity)
- You eat mostly junk and fat foods (Poor diet)
- You often start dubious weight loss regimes offering quick and easy results (Fad dieting)
- You eat less but still have excess weight (Slow metabolism)
- Hormone changes
- Your skin is pale and thin (darker skin has less cellulite)
Don’t’ worry – The process of cellulite formation is completely reversible with proper diet, exercise and massages. Combine these methods with a glass of fresh juice every day and you will get visible results!
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