Street workout have surged in popularity around the world in recent years. For a long time, it was popular mainly in Eastern European countries but now it had spread around the world. Every big city nowadays has an outdoor gym, making exercises even easier than before. But what is street workout anyways and how exactly it differs from orthodox training in the local gym? For started it completely free and you can do it anywhere. In the park, your house, on the street. You can be creative in your exercises, you won’t be lifting weights all day. There are a lot of exercises that are easy to do and you can strengthen your whole body.
The human body has 5 major muscle groups: Chest, arms, legs, abs and back. So, if you want to train your entire body, make sure you use all these muscle groups, through different pushing and pulling variations.
You can say that street fitness is the gateway to every sport because it gives you a good fundamental. It supports with weight loss and if you want do to bodybuilding in the future.

What are the fundamental exercises you will most likely see people doing?
- Pull-ups – no need to explain this one. Strengthens your back and arms, and secondary muscles such as your abs and shoulders.
- Squats – they strengthen your legs. But you probably can deduce that.
- Push-ups – build up your chest and triceps, along with secondary muscles like shoulders.
- Ab exercises – building up your abs is always important.
- Dips – Strengthen you upper- body
Download our Street Fitness Beginner program now and get fit in no time!
Those are the basics and for now you should not experiment too much. You should avoid programs that implement parkour for now. Parkour can be very dangerous if you don’t have someone to teach you first. Street fitness and parkour go well like bread and butter. The workout builds up you muscle mass and strength while parkour builds up your stamina and dexterity. Still you will need a certain level of strength and stamina in order to do parkour and building it up can take up to 2-3 months.

Some Tips for beginners :
Download our Street Fitness Beginner program now and get fit in no time!
Don’t give up so easily – yeah… easy to say hard to do. The best way to not lose interest that quickly is to have friends that train with you. Time fly by when you train with company
Do every exercise slowly at first and most importantly correctly – Its better to do one pull up correctly than 20 incorrectly. Doing the exercises how it’s supposed to be done build up the correct muscle.
Stretch – The most important thing before and after exercises. It helps the muscle recover and increases your flexibility. And most importantly prevent injuries.
To speed up things you can go on a diet. It’s not that hard really. For now, you can try to stop earthing sugar rich food, CO2 beverages and eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to eat protein rich food and the most important rule in any diet, you should never eat fried food.
Stay hydrated – drink some water at least an hour before you begin session. Water give your workout boost.

For now, you should follow our training program since it’s been made specifically for beginner’s. After some time, you can change it however you see fit. That’s the beauty of the street workout.
Have Fun – Training is supposed to be fun and should be fun.