The Ecdysterone is a bio-active substance which is extracted from the plant Spinach or Leuzea.
It has anabolic effect.
It is an amazing natural booster for protein synthesis. It helps the process of building muscle mass. In the following article Dr. Dieter Hesh, who specializes in sport nutrition, explains more about Ecdysterone.
The bodybuilders are not the only ones doing heavy workouts. This is a tendency which is observed more often lately, especially for people, working out to get a perfect figure. Usually, in their quest for fast muscle mass building, some people still resort to the intake of WADA-banned substances, although the harms of these types of substances are well known nowadays. On the other hand, the injuries are common, especially when the trainings are improperly done and therefore ineffective and may be even dangerous.

Fortunately, the majority of the people, who are regularly training, pay attention not only to their appearance, but also they aim to be generally fit and to have a healthy body.
The natural dietary supplements can be useful for building a lean muscle mass without the need to exercise with heavy weights. In addition, they can be beneficial for the joints, as many people who work out suffer injuries to the knees, ankles, shoulders, wrists and elbows. After all, the joints are victims of previous heavy workloads.
Too often, strength training is not enough to build muscle mass. Many people exercise, but they are not eating properly. Nutrition should also be observed to achieve and maintain good shape. If you need to build muscle mass, a natural dietary supplement, which supports the protein synthesis and helps the process of building muscle mass, would be the ideal addition to your diet.
It becomes clear that such a dietary supplement would be beneficial and also very important part of the workouts of the young generation.
We have to ask ourselves if such type of substance is real or just an illusion?
It is real. What is its name?
Years ago, the Russian Olympic athletes have used products, containing ecdysterone (“Russian secret”). After that, the talks about them stopped because people did not expect Russian athletes to use “natural” supplements.

Recent studies show that the anabolic effect from the Ecdysterone, which is a naturally occurring steroid hormone and is said to improve physical performance due to estrogen receptor (ER) binding. Compared to the forbidden anabolic substances, ecdysterone is even more effective as evidenced in a recent study in animals (rats).
The plants, from which the substance Ecdysterone can be extracted recently appeared in a study from Maria Parr and her colleagues in a placebo-controlled human trial.
A 10-week study of strength training in young men (n = 46) was conducted. During the study, different doses of ecdysterone containing additives were administered to evaluate the effect of the increase in strength. Blood and urine samples were analyzed for ecdysterone and potential biomarkers for efficacy. In order to ensure the specificity of the effects measured, a comprehensive screening was also conducted for prohibited efficiencies. A significantly greater increase in muscle mass was observed in those participants who had taken a dietary supplement with ecdysterone. No increase in biomarkers for liver or kidney toxicity was observed. These data highlight the effectiveness of the supplement containing ecdysterone.
There is an interesting study from1988 by Simakin et al. :
Thirty-eight well-trained athletes consumed protein for more than 10 days. The placebo group received a placebo without protein, and the third group consumed the protein together with beta-ecdysterone. The protein group gained minimal muscle mass after 10 days, the placebo group even lost a little muscle mass, and the beta-ecdysterone group gained between 6% and 7% muscle mass and lost about 10% of their body fat.
Immediately comes the question of health side effects, which actually do not exist.
Want to know which brands are effective and which are not?
Want to get more info about the amazing effects of Ecdysterone supplementation?
Side effects:
An interesting fact is that no side effects have been reported with the use of Ecdysterone. Toxicity tests indicate that only extremely high levels would be dangerous to human health.
Ecdysterone is extracted from the following plants:
- Rhaponticum / Leuzea
- Cyanotis vaga
- Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

- It seems that Ecdysterone acts like a real muscle building product.
- According to recent studies by Parr and her colleagues, ecdysterone is an effective muscle stimulator that, due to its extreme efficacy, can fit into the WADA list of undesirable substances.
- So far, there are no known side effects related to human health.
apl. Prof. Dr. med. Prof. biol (h.c.) (7 August 2019) – Muskeltraining,- mit pflanzlichem (https://hesch.ch/2019/08/07/2360/)
Parr et al Mol Nutr Food Res 58 (2014) 1861-1872, Parr et al Biol Sport 32 (2015) 169-173) – Ecdysteroids: A novel class of anabolic agents (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4447764/)
Eduard Isenmann, Gabriella Ambrosio, Jan Felix Joseph, Monica Mazzarino, Xavier de la Torre, Philipp Zimmer, Rymantas Kazlauskas, Catrin Goebel, Francesco Botrè, Patrick Diel & Maria Kristina Parr (23 May 2019) – Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00204-019-02490-x)