Since they were discovered, hundreds of herbs have been valued for their health care benefits. Herbal treatments have a wide range of applications and advantages, and there isn’t a single ailment that cannot be improved by them. Gingko biloba, St. John’s Wort, Bloody Geranium, and other common herbs, for example, can be used to support the immune system, support anti-inflammatory processes, tonic the muscle and nervous systems, improve brain activity, and many other things.
Every athlete should know how to supplement properly, in order to be better in sports life. Therefore, the ingredients in dietary supplements, which the athlete takes, should meet the requirements of NSF International.
Supplementation is used as a practice in sports medicine, as nutritionists include in the fitness program of elite athletes along with sports foods also nutritional supplements as an aid to achieve the ultimate goals and at the same time meet the requirements of the anti-doping agency.
Choosing the right and best sports supplements for gaining muscle mass, combining them with healthy sports nutrition and sport, you will certainly achieve enviable results and will improve your athletic performance in a very short time.
In this mini-ranking, we have prepared for you some of the most effective and top dietary supplements for muscle mass, which have proven their effectiveness over the years.
First of all, we would like to clarify how muscles are built. Skeletal muscle is made up of muscle fibers, which in turn consist of protein fibers. During exercise, muscle damage occurs, after which the body repairs these ruptures, as a result, we get a bigger and stronger muscle. Therefore, we have muscle soreness after every hard workout. That’s why we need not only sports nutrition, but also workout supplements, in order to obtain faster recovery and bigger muscle.
The sports supplements listed below are intended to be your helpers to give you an extra boost.
What is creatine monohydrate: Creatine monohydrate is the most popular dietary supplement used for decades in almost all sports. Our body produces creatine itself, and for this to happen it needs three amino acids – arginine, glycine, and methionine. It is important to note, that amino acids are the main building blocks of proteins in the human body. In turn, protein synthesis plays an important role in building muscle.
Creatine can also be obtained through nutrition and right diet, but in too small amounts, which would not have an effect. If we are looking for muscle strength, energy, weight gain, better sports performance, and increase muscle mass, we would advise you to take advantage of the amino acid supplements, as sports nutrition is important for athletic performance, but not enough for obtaining the desired muscle growth.
Creatine supplementation figuratively provides energy to our muscles, which is necessary for their contraction and work. Creatine intake will provide you with energy for heavier and more intense workouts, which in turn will increase your appetite and so you will easily and quickly increase not only your personal weight but also the weights used in the gym.
Works flawlessly for almost everyone. Its effectiveness is felt in the first week. This nutritional supplement is extremely suitable for weight gain because it easily increases muscle protein synthesis and physical strength and endurance, which always leads to naturally increased calorie intake.
What are protein matrices:
Protein matrices are made up of several different sources of protein. Different in terms of their rate of absorption by our body. High-quality protein matrices include in their composition: a fast source of protein, one with an average rate of absorption, and a protein that is slowly absorbed by our body. Protein is the main building block of muscle tissue and it would be difficult for you to gain quality weight and gain weight without sufficient intake of this macronutrient.
The gradual absorption of proteins in the body provides fuel and building material for our muscles for several hours, which is a very important component when looking for a constant supply of energy and calories.
Due to their specificity, protein supplements, that could be protein bar or protein powder, are easy substitutes for one or two of your meals absolutely every day when you are in a hurry and do not have time to eat, but still do not want to deviate from the goal of quality muscle mass and weight gain.
Testosterone stimulants and Natural anabolic agents
What are testosterone stimulants:
Products falling in to this category are usually composed of extracts of herbs and plants, which have a strong effect on stimulating the own production of testosterone in the body of men. In addition to herbs and their standardized extracts, some patented combinations of vitamins and minerals.
The main effect of testosterone stimulants is that they naturally cause our body to produce the luteinizing hormone, which is involved in the production of testosterone.
Pre-workout supplements, improve physical performance and strength throughout the exercise. They have the ability to release the necessary amount of energy in the body, thus helping to properly adjust the body before a strenuous workout. As Pre-Workout dietary supplements contain caffeine, they are also used by people who are not active athletes to hold attention and for better concentration.